US Politics

Biden S**** The Bed On First Day In Office’s Presser ‘“Come On! Give Me a Break, Man!”

This is the one thing that I never understood how the establishment was going to deal with … propping Joe Biden up infant of the cameras and mics day after day to embarrass himself.

What did they think was going to happen?  Did they think that no one would notice that China Joe would not  expose himself as a complete and total incompetent.

The Gateway Pundit reports:

78-year-old Joe Biden held a presser from the White House on his plans to distribute the Covid-19 vaccine.

Doom and gloom Biden said the China Coronavirus death toll will likely pass 500,000 in February.

Biden struggled to get through the presser…he must be tired.


Biden then snubbed a reporter asking questions about the vaccine rollout plan.

“Come on! Give me a break, man!” retorted Biden as his handlers shooed away the press pool.


LMAO … this guy is the President of the United States of America … let that sink in.


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